Sunday, September 4, 2011

Beginners Guide to Blogging: Why Start A Blog?

Blogs are many things today whether part of a business, part of a marketing plan, or just a personal reflection. This article will go back to “blogging roots” so to speak and look at a blog and its basis: an online journal.

You can think of a blog as more than an online journal but an online journal that you want to share with the internet community. Some have used this as a soapbox to express opinioins, some have used it as an outlet for creative or comedic writing, and some have used it simply to share family updates or life updates.
As blogging software continues to evolve, more features are available to the modern day blogger including video galleries, photo galleries, and more!

What is a blog? A blog contains many blog posts. From there, a blog post contains these features:

title: this is the title of your blog entry (or journal entry)
body: this is the content of your blog post
trackback: other sites can have a link back to your blog post
permanent link: this is the link directly to that specific blog entry
comments: this is where other internet-izens can comment on your blog entry

Today’s blogging software makes it very easy for bloggers to start blogging right away. I highly recommend the Blogger interface or WordPress interface. Those are the easiest and also are web based so you can blog from anywhere. There are further customizations available for being able to blog through email and other applications as well. Another great feature of blogging software is the availability of templates or themes. This allows you to change the look and feel and design of your website blog at the push of a button.

Blogging is not just limited to personal usage. There are a lot of blogs that follow a theme such as: sports, politics, philosophy, social commentary, etc. These blogs espouse on their specific themes. This way blogging becomes a medium in which people can share their knowledge and opinions about a variety of themes and topics. Professional sports organizations use blogs to post news and game highlights. Corporations use blogs as a way to distribute news and press releases. Small businesses use blogs to help advertise their products. There are definitely many uses for blogs once you get familiar with how it works. So once you get familiar with it don’t be too surprised when you find yourself starting many blogs for all your information distribution requirements.

By Koushik Vuppala with No comments


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