Monday, September 26, 2011

Buy a new laptop now and pay later, with Misco

The future’s bright -with a new laptop
You might be a business owner needing to run the latest software; a student getting ready for university – or simply a dedicated gamer determined to get the best out of Gears of War 3. The chances are though, that you’ve fired up your laptop, waited for what seems like an eternity, and then thought, “I need a new one.”

Business software – as anyone involved in processing lots of data or doing any design work will testify – is becoming increasingly complex. So is academic work: the days of simply copying up your lecture notes are long gone. And as games become ever more sophisticated, more and more people are finding that they need a powerful, effective and versatile laptop.

The trouble is, you can’t open a newspaper without seeing tales of economic doom and gloom, and there may not be room in your cash flow for a new laptop – however much you or your business needs one.
Fortunately, retailers are doing their best to help, with many now offering customers the chance to buy a new laptop now and pay later. Misco have been particularly active with this type of offer, and I’ve just taken advantage of it to buy one of their top sellers – a Toshiba Satellite Pro C660.

Sadly, I’m now too old for games, so I’m not worried about Gears of War – but work dictates that I’m constantly on the internet, nearly always with several sites open at once – and I download a lot of information. Plus Word, Excel and PowerPoint are permanently on the go. The new Toshiba has been brilliant and I’ve noticed that processing and downloads are far quicker than my old laptop. Then there’s the fact that I’ve fallen in love with the crystal clear display…

Technology isn’t going to stand still – whether it’s in business applications, education and learning or gaming. A few years ago, virtually none of us had heard of social media: now the same is true of augmented reality. But it’s going to have a profound effect on your business, your education and the games you play – which means your laptop will need to cope with still more information and processing. With the opportunity from companies like Misco to buy a new laptop and pay later, there’s no longer any need to put up with slow downloads, clunky processing and a display that’s less than perfect. Take the chance to upgrade your laptop now, and it might even pay for itself!

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