After its Magiq low-cost Android tablet, Beetel has launched its first low-cost touchscreen mobile, the GD 470. Priced at Rs. 3,300, the GD 470 comes with a 2.8-inch touchscreen and is also a dual-SIM device.
Speaking on the launch of the Beetel GD 470, Mr. Vinod Sawhny – Executive Director & CEO, Beetel Teletech Limited, said:
“The Beetel GD 470 is our first touch screen mobile phone and we have put tremendous efforts to provide all the necessary features at an extremely competitive price-point. As per our commitment to introduce advanced mobility devices which offer great value-proposition for the Indian customers, we will keep introducing technology products which will create milestones in the Indian market.”
The Beetel GD 470 come with “Beetel World”, a software suite with social networking and infotainment apps, like Facebook, Snaptu, Mig 33, Yahoo, ibibo, Vuclip, Reuters, Hungama and Penguin. Features include Bluetooth, video and audio players, a 1.3 MP camera, FM radio, expandable storage up to 8GB via microSD, and a large battery life, with its 1000mAh battery rated to deliver 3-4 hours of talktime and 200 hours of standby time. The GD 470 also has an Indian calendar onboard.
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