Days after launching a Flipboard rival, Google has now taken on the location-based social networking website Foursquare with the launch of The new Google website aims to help users find new things to do, share "schemes" with friends, and "make the most of your day." Also considered to be Google's answer to Facebook's 'Events', Schemer allows users to select activities/events they are interested in and let their friends know about it. Apart from keeping track of completed activities, the website will also recommend new schemes depending on users' interests.
Google's new site is in beta-phase and an invite-only product presently. The new website is backed up a number of content partners ranging from National Geographic to the Rolling Stone. However, Google has not clarified how it is going to use them. has been developed by a small group of Google engineers, who announced on the social networking site Google+:
“Ever wonder what to do? Us too. We’re a scrappy group of Google engineers, united by a passion to help people discover and share stuff to do in the offline world. And we’ve built something to do just that—we call it Schemer!”
The new service was first announced on Google+ and according to reports, it is extensively promoted on Twitter. If you're interested in joining Schemer, all you need to do is register and add themselves to the waitlist.
Google's new site is in beta-phase and an invite-only product presently. The new website is backed up a number of content partners ranging from National Geographic to the Rolling Stone. However, Google has not clarified how it is going to use them. has been developed by a small group of Google engineers, who announced on the social networking site Google+:
“Ever wonder what to do? Us too. We’re a scrappy group of Google engineers, united by a passion to help people discover and share stuff to do in the offline world. And we’ve built something to do just that—we call it Schemer!”
The new service was first announced on Google+ and according to reports, it is extensively promoted on Twitter. If you're interested in joining Schemer, all you need to do is register and add themselves to the waitlist.
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