Monday, December 12, 2011

Eight formatting tips for your blog that can help maximize your conversions

When writing blog posts or copy content for websites, the rules of engagement are quite often very different to those for print or other media.

Due to the electronic and visual nature of how web content is delivered, there are certain factors regarding web writing and formatting which make it unique amongst the other mediums.

For instance things like the screen size and resolution can differ greatly for people reading the exact same content, especially now that there are so many smart devices and tablets.

Also there has never been a phenomenon like the Internet which is able to provide on-demand content anytime of the day to virtually anyone.

Therefore if you’d like to increase your chances of converting or achieving your intended goal, your site’s content needs to hold people’s attention and deliver your message in an efficient and effective way.

1) Write shorter chunks of copy or content of no more than about 4 or 5 lines at a time.

There are no strict rules on the Internet when it comes to paragraphs so feel free to separate long sentences if you find they take up many lines.

Splitting up your writing like this will increase scan-ability and decrease the chances of your message being lost somewhere in a sea of words. A good practice is to group sentences into chunks of no more than 4 or 5 lines.

Note: Even though there are many orthodox literary conventions that you can afford to break on the Internet, there is one which you should not violate – and that is, always ensure you have the proper spelling.

2) Use a larger and easily readable font

Typography is quickly becoming a valuable skill for Internet marketers and bloggers because using an optimum font and line spacing can be one of the key things which determine how long readers stay on your site.

This is because the more easily and less wearisome your site is to read, the better the experience your visitors will have. Therefore it is a good idea to use a large an easy-to-read font if possible.

3) Use grouping & visuals to organize content

Grouping is where you clearly segment sections of your content using columns and concise headings and messages, together with some visuals such as icons or images.

This type of delivery makes it very reader-friendly and allows your visitors to access the information they need without having to scour your site for it.

The example below represents a perfect case of grouping used by Apple on their iPad page. As a matter of fact you’ll notice that the Apple site contains many examples of grouping in action.

A lot of WordPress themes now give you the ability to create columns and tables which can help you achieve the above format.

4) Use numerals, ampersands & other symbols to shorten headings (or sub-headings)

This is a simple yet effective way to deliver your message concisely. For instance take the following example:

Without using symbols and abbreviation:
“Earn hundreds of points and get exclusive access to our member specials”

With symbols and abbreviations:
“Earn 100s of points & get exclusive access to our member specials”

5) Use bolding to highlight what you want your readers to see

The simple act of making a word or words bold can make a message stand out. As long as you don’t overdo it this is a great way to facilitate easy scanning of your pages.

6) Use bullet lists of no more than 5 or 6 items

    * Bullet lists are great for breaking the monotony of reams of text and a handy way to link related points together.
    * A bullet list should be no more than 5 or so items so as to ensure that your readers are not overwhelmed with content.
    * You don’t have to use bullets or dots. Icons and other images are sometimes the most effective if you can keep them relevant to your message.
    * Your second-best bullet point should be placed last so that someone scanning your list will be surprised and impressed to read it because people usually expect the least useful point to be the last!

7) Use icons and images to enhance your message delivery

The placement of relevant images or icons around copy text can serve a useful purpose of drawing your readers eyes to your message. The key is not to overdo it.

8 ) Ensure your text links are easily recognizable

When you place a link on your page, you usually do so because you want your readers to click it. Therefore, if a piece of text looks like a link then people will more than likely click it.

By Anonymous with 1 comment


I would add that you should use standard formatting code. Things like h1 tags and ul ensure that the copy works on mobile devices, large screens, or even if the customer ends up printing your content. I’ve seen examples of writers using asteriks in place of bullets which can cause format issues on certain devices.

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