Sunday, October 2, 2011

INFOGRAPHIC : Making The First Page Of Search Results

If there is one area of the Internet where the wars are vicious and cut-throat, it’s the search engines.  Ever since Google burst onto the scene, it’s been a constant battle between them and Microsoft and Yahoo, each one constantly trying to outdo the other, in exchange for a bit more market share.  In many ways, this is good for us, the users of the Internet, because these companies will constantly keep on innovating and bringing out cool new services and apps to keep us loyal.
But personally speaking, I am quite often taken aback at the amount of money that companies like Google spend in trying to stay the top dog.  And you have to wonder who will be the next bloodied casualty, especially with persistent reports that Microsoft’s Bing is losing a staggering $11 million a day.

Our infographic today comes courtesy of Search Engine Journal which shows a timeline history of the search engines, starting with Lycos and Webcrawler in 1994.  Then steadily over the years, we see household names springing up such as Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN and of course Google.  The infographic also shows tips on how to make page one of search results.

Did you know that the person to call themselves an SEO expert was in 1999?  These days, I get about 10 so-called SEO experts pitching me their services every day in my inbox.  Suddenly I yearn for pre-1999 when there were none!

Let us know what you think of the infographic.  Before Google started making waves, what were your favourite search engines?  Are you old enough to remember Lycos and Webcrawler?  What would be your tips for making it to the front page of search results?  Let us know in the comments...

Source: search engine journal

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